About me

 Erik Wiggelinkhuizen, born in Delft in 1968. After graduating from Utrecht University in Social Sciences I worked for various Dutch television stations as an editor, reporter and producer. After 7 years of this, I went to America to study bodywork. Since my return to Holland 15 years ago I have been working as a massage therapist. Work I continue to find fulfilling.

I am enthusiastic and curious - always eager to learn new things. This means I continue studying bodywork and I have also followed a number of different personal development trainings. It is this same curiosity that brought me to palm reading. At first I was skeptical - but soon I was hooked. Now, after three years of training I am convinced that palm reading is a down to earth, evidence based set of techniques that can reveal a person’s character and personality.

Many people inspire me. Two in particular are: Vernon Frost (www.vernonfrost.co.za) and Mieke Berger (www.jinshinhealing.com). They have both taught me a great deal. .

In the background image on this page, a saying is written on the wall: 'Catching the silence between the waves’. I love that sentence. To me, it says that one thing cannot exist without the other. The wave you want to catch and surf, exists only by the grace of the silence before and after it. Both are equally to be valued.